Here are some books and commentaries I recommend related to the
Gospel of Luke. I have not read them all, but my suggestions here are
based on my respect for the expertise of the authors and quality of
their other works I have read. Further, these books reflect my
particular interest in socio-rhetorical and narrative approaches to the
gospels. I think they are the most helpful perspectives for
understanding and subsequently teaching and preaching on the gospel
texts. My suggestions are scholarly works, but they are not technical. They
are intended for pastors and serious students of the Bible. (mgvhoffman)
Luke, David Garland This series assumes some knowledge of Greek, but it has features useful to anyone. Each section includes a "Literary Context," an outline, the "Main Idea," a translation that is graphical laid out to indicate the logic of the text, a section on "Structure and Literary Form," an exegetical outline, and then a verse by verse explanation of the text. David Garland has also done excellent work in Acts. |
The Gospel of Luke, Joel Green Some knowledge of Greek is helpful with this series. Joel Green deals with rhetorical and sociological factors as well as theological and pastoral ones. Gospel is approached as a wholistic, historical narrative. |
Sacra Pagina: The Gospel of Luke, Luke
Timothy Johnson The Sacra Pagina series reflects both critical study and theological awareness. Luke Timothy Johnson is a fine scholar, and he especially attends to literary matters looking at the gospel as a whole. |
Luke, David Tiede This book by David Tiede is knowledgeable and thorough yet accessible and pastoral. |
The Gospel
According to Luke, Joseph Fitzmyer Anchor Bible series > Scholarly and thorough. A good one to check when you need the most information, and Joseph Fitzmyer is a leading Lukan scholar. 2 volumes |
Luke: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Third Gospel,
Charles H. Talbert I like this series of "Literary and Theological" commentaries. It is generally organized as a normal commentary, but material is covered in bigger sections to give more attention to the literary and theological aspects. Charles Talbert has written extensively on Luke and Acts. |
The Theology
of the Gospel of Luke, Joel Green This book by Joel Green is not a commentary (cf. his commentary above), but it provides a useful theological overview of Luke's gospel. |
Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels, Malina & Rohrbaugh A very helpful resource for Luke and the Synoptics. It's organized by book:chapter:verse and describes significant social and cultural issues related to that verse or pericope. Key points are highlighted and linked to longer articles at the end of the book. |
The Gospel
of Luke, Amy-Jill Levine & Ben WItherington III Two fine scholars approaching the gospel from a Jewish and Christian perspective. "They show how Luke has been used to create both tragedy and hope, as well as to promote sexism, anti-semitism, and religious intolerance, thereby raising important questions regarding ethically responsible interpretation." |
For more commentaries to consider, especially if you are looking either for something more technical that references the Greek more closely or something more pastoral or devotional, look at the suggestions at Best Commentaries on Luke.
Note: All the Amazon links are my Associate links from which I may earn a small commission.
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